We’ve updated our website privacy policy for GDPR

You can’t have escaped hearing about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a new EU law on data protection and privacy that came into force today. You’ve probably had lots of emails about it from companies you deal with online.

Today we updated our own website privacy policy to meet the requirements of GDPR. Read it here. Continue reading “We’ve updated our website privacy policy for GDPR”

We’ve got a new website and company name. Welcome to Wheatleys!

Hello and welcome to the new Wheatleys website!

We’ve re-branded as Wheatleys because this is no longer just a freelance copywriter’s site. We now have a hand-picked network of UK copywriters to call on, so we can support bigger projects with better-quality writing than ever before. Continue reading “We’ve got a new website and company name. Welcome to Wheatleys!”